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Welcome to the FIT Training

Develop your inclusive teaching practices and share your experiences with your colleagues! 

As part of the Erasmus+ Fairness in Teaching (FIT) project, we have organised a training course to strengthen inclusive and fair teaching practices. 

In this video you will discover the objectives of this training and how it is organised!

The training is available in English, Italian and French.


Best practices ​and resources for inclusive education​ in Luxembourg (In English)

​This session will introduce the Erasmus+ Fairness In Teaching project – summarised by the acronym FIT – and its platform.​ The video is available in English.

​In this session, we will focus more on gender education, an area that has evolved greatly over the past few years. Societies are complex and dynamic, and gender norms today are no longer limited to only men and women, but encompass a whole spectrum. For this reason, the notion of gender roles and the way gender is perceived are important topics to tackle with pupils who may lack representation in some areas, such as STEM (science, technologies, engineering and mathematics).​

This session discusses the issue of intersected inequalities in STEM education in Europe and presents some related tracks and frameworks.

Thank you for joining for session 4 of the FIT training, where we will dive into the gender equality frameworks in Luxembourg.​ ​Luxembourg is outperforming other EU Member States in terms of gender equality. Not only is its Gender Equality Index score above the EU average, but it has also grown at a faster rate. Furthermore, the gap between Luxembourg and the EU average has widened over time. However, when we focus specifically on the research and academic sector, you will see that there is still work to do.

Thank you for joining the fifth and final session of the Fairness in Teaching(FIT) online training! ​This session will share hints, best practices and inspiring tools for inclusive teaching.

Best practices ​and resources for inclusive education​ in Italy (In Iatlian)

​This session will introduce the Erasmus+ Fairness In Teaching project – summarised by the acronym FIT – and its platform.​ The video is available in Italian.

​In this session, we will focus more on gender education, an area that has evolved greatly over the past few years. Societies are complex and dynamic, and gender norms today are no longer limited to only men and women, but encompass a whole spectrum. For this reason, the notion of gender roles and the way gender is perceived are important topics to tackle with pupils who may lack representation in some areas, such as STEM (science, technologies, engineering and mathematics).​

This session discusses the issue of intersected inequalities in STEM education in Europe and presents some related tracks and frameworks.

Thank you for joining for session 4 of the FIT training, where we will dive into the gender equality frameworks in Italy.​ 

Thank you for joining the fifth and final session of the Fairness in Teaching(FIT) online training! ​This session will share hints, best practices and inspiring tools for inclusive teaching.

Bonnes pratiques et ressources pour une éducation inclusive en France

Développez vos pratiques d'enseignement inclusif et partagez vos expériences avec vos collègues ! 

Dans le cadre du projet Erasmus+ Fairness in Teaching (FIT), nous avons organisé une formation pour renforcer les pratiques d'enseignement inclusives et équitables. 

Dans cette vidéo, vous découvrirez les objectifs de cette formation et comment elle est organisée !

Cette séance servira d’introduction aux projets européens Ambition 21 et FIT, Fairness In Teaching. 

Nous vous présenterons aussi la plateforme FIT pour un enseignement inclusif et équitable.

Cette séance va vous amener à vous interroger sur votre degré de connaissance sur des notions comme le sexe, le genre et les stéréotypes afin de vous permettre de dépasser l’approche binaire femme/homme pour aller vers une approche intersectionnelle.

Dans cette séance nous allons aborder les inégalités genrées dans l’enseignement et les professions liées en France sous forme d’infographies et de graphiques reprenant des données statistiques sur la réussite comparée des filles et des garçons depuis l’école jusqu’à l’entrée dans la vie active.

Dans cette partie, nous vous proposons un rapide état des lieux de la parité entre fille et garçon dans l’enseignement des STEM en France. 

Your feedback about the FIT Online Training!

Share your feedback on what you have learned and how you will continue after the online training using this link